Carnaval février 2012

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Thank you Darcy for sharing with the Etre et Découvrir Community the Etre et Decouvrir Carnival:


carnaval-2011-2770.jpgThis week we celebrated the Carnival.  All the children came dressed up in costume, and really enjoyed discovering the others costumes as well. There were tigers, fireman, superheros, princesses, cowboys...  Such wondreful and diverse costumes.  The entire school grouped together in the 3-6 classroom and we paraded around the class to show and talk about our costumes.carnaval-2011-2773.jpgDSCN0054 
 Even the teachers participated: Babeth was a fish, Pauline in typical Venice Carnaval mask, Geraldine as Charlie Chaplin, and Darcy as a Mexican Jumping Bean.
Afterwards, the 9-12 children prepared mini crêpes for the entire school!!  What a job! The children seemed to love them and even asked for more. It was a wondreful and fun-filled day! 





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